What people say
Pedestrian sundays CP24 running through the six the phoenix yonge and eg avoiding the christmas market at all costs friday night at the ROM east of Spadina taste of the danforth leslie spit 6 degrees of Degrassi seperation.
Use react-landing-page for your landing page needs. Or do not, I am not a beggar...
Herman Starikov
<Heading textAlign="center">What people say</Heading> <Flex alignItems="flex-end" justifyContent="space-around"> <Testimony> Pedestrian sundays CP24 running through the six the phoenix yonge and eg avoiding the christmas market at all costs friday night at the ROM east of Spadina taste of the danforth leslie spit 6 degrees of Degrassi seperation. </Testimony> <Testimony authorAvatar="https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQHrQu7jWlkkmQ/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0?e=1538006400&v=beta&t=ByDJmdnXciGKEyYXdfj4mA7WNEXCvTWhGfbFm4imqyI" authorName="Herman Starikov" authorTitle="developer"> Use react-landing-page for your landing page needs. Or do not, I am not a beggar... </Testimony> </Flex>
Extends: Flex
prop | default | type |
authorName | 'Anonymous' | string |
authorTitle | 'expert' | string |
authorAvatar | 'https://via.placeholder.com/64x64' | string |
children | text or node |